About CCI 

The goal of the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI) is to form partnerships with its members to create, encourage and promote a strong condominium community in the vibrant Canadian marketplace.

The Canadian Condominium Institute is an independent, non-profit organization formed in 1982 with chapters throughout Canada.

CCI assists its members in establishing and operating successful condominium corporations through education, information dissemination, workshops and technical resources.

CCI does not represent any one profession or interest group. Rather, it represents all facets of the condominium community, encouraging all interest groups to work together toward one common goal.

To actively support CCI  improve condominiums throughout Canada really is in the best interest of both successful and struggling condominiums, as well as industry professionals and suppliers

CCI South Saskatchewan

Working for you!

To Educate...through educational courses, seminars and networking all designed to equip condominium directors, homeowners and suppliers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct the affairs of a condominium corporation in a proper and diligent manner.

To Offer Professional Assistance...members may contact CCI for information or for referrals to appropriate professionals and services.

To Advocate for Legislative Change...CCI’s Provincial Legislative Committees are constantly working with various levels of provincial governments to produce legislation that reflects the improvements required to properly protect directors and condominium homeowners.

Develop Standards...CCI has developed standards of competence in twelve key areas pertaining to condominium life. Through education and examination, CCI extends Professional Associate status upon those members who attain the required standard (LCCI).

Legal Disclaimer and Limits To Assistance

The information we provide is not intended to be relied up on as advice, either directly or indirectly. Please ensure you retain your own professional advisors before taking any action.

The CCI South Saskatchewan Chapter, and the Canadian Condominium Institute will not be held liable for any action resulting from the comments or recommendations contained herein.

Please submit questions via email with members receiving priority service.. However please note the following restrictions:

  • We cannot comment on legal matters beyond a simple recommendation according to the Saskatchewan Condominium Act 1993 and CCI National due to the potential exposure to legal action.
  • We cannot comment on cases already in court.
  • We cannot provide advice in any form. You must seek out professional assistance some of which are listed under the Resources tab,Business Directory.
  • We cannot answer questions concerning disputes or legal issues.

© 2025 CCI - South Saskatchewan Chapter
P.O. Box 3784, Regina, SK S4P 3N8