Property Tax Fairness Campaign

The Current Property Taxation System is Unfair to Condo Owners

The current municipal taxation system is a mess, totally unfair, and getting worse!
Something must be done.... did you know?


  • That many condominiums are assessed more than that of comparable single family homes?

Condominiums are assessed based on market value according to recent sales - this assessments keep appreciating. 

Market value for apartments is based on revenue and depreciation is allowed. 

The result - assessments go up for condos and down for apartments and the assessment gap widens.

  • Taxes are calculated by multiplying assessments by the tax rate, which is the same rate for both condominiums and single-family homes, so the tax bills are higher for condos.
  • Both require the same level and type of services so why should condos pay more?
  • Individual condo units are assessed and taxed as though they are single family homes.  Delivery of municipal services to a 50-unit condo building is more efficient than delivery of those same services to 50 single detached homes.  But CONDOS DO NOT get the same services.  For example -  NO CITY GARBAGE PICKUP.  THEY MUST PAY A PRIVATE CONTRACTOR.

The Provincial government must get involved and allow municipalities to access new sources of revenue for people to be treated fairly and equitably.  Changes are also needed in legislations.

What can you do?


Speak up!  Make your vote count! Condominium Owners are a major voting group in an election, lets flex our muscles.

  1. Right now! Contact your candidates for Municipal Councillor and Mayor (telephone, email, or regular mail, or personal contact) and demand that they establish a Tax Reform Committee.  Attend political events and make your views known.
  2. Call, email or write the City Finance Committee and Budget Developers and express your views about this unfair policy.
For more information click on the "News" tab.


We’re Just Getting Started!



Coming soon.

© 2024 CCI - South Saskatchewan Chapter
P.O. Box 3784, Regina, SK S4P 3N8