May 11, 2024 - South Saskatchewan Chapter News

Regina Food Waste for Condos


Hello everyone!

We wish to Thank all who were able to attend the Regina City Council Meeting May 8. Your support was welcomed and appreciated. We Are Pleased to Advise Some Success!

There was further discussion with City Councillors after the short but detailed presentation allowed.

Here are the Draft Minutes of that portion of the meeting:

CR24-47 Waste Plan Regina Annual Update Recommendation That City Council:

1. Approve a one-year extension to all “multi-family” to put a food waste management plan in place, to permit the Canadian Condominium Institute to engage in meaningful consultation with the City and others on available alternative waste food management plans available to condominiums to meet organic waste disposal, garbage disposal and recycling requirements;  Wednesday, May 8, 2024

2. Instruct the City Solicitor to prepare an amendment to The Regina Administration Bylaw No. 2003-69 to make the necessary housekeeping changes, as detailed in Appendix B, to be brought forward to the meeting of City Council following approval of these recommendations by City Council; and 3. Instruct the City Solicitor to prepare an amendment to The Waste Management Bylaw No. 2012-63 to amend section 37.2 to remove the date of July 1, 2024, and replace it with July 1, 2025; and make the necessary housekeeping changes as detailed in Appendix C to be brought forward to the meeting of City Council following approval of these recommendations by City Council. .

DE24-63 Jeff Campbell, representing Canadian Condominium Institute South Saskatchewan, Regina, SK, addressed City Council.

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani that City Council:

1. Approve a one-year extension to all “multi-family” to put a food waste management plan in place, to permit the Canadian Condominium Institute to engage in meaningful consultation with the City and others on available alternative waste food management plans available to condominiums to meet organic waste disposal, garbage disposal and recycling requirements, including a user pay model by December 1, 2024;

2. Instruct the City Solicitor to prepare an amendment to The Regina Administration Bylaw No. 2003-69 to make the necessary housekeeping changes, as detailed in Appendix B, to be brought forward to the meeting of City Council following approval of these recommendations by City Council;

and 3. Instruct the City Solicitor to prepare an amendment to The Waste Management Bylaw No. 2012-63 to amend section 37.2 to remove the date of July 1, 2024, and replace it with July 1, 2025; and make the necessary housekeeping changes as detailed in Appendix C to be brought forward to the meeting of City Council following approval of these recommendations by City Council.

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

RESULT: CARRIED [Unanimous] MOVER: Councillor Hawkins SECONDER: Councillor Bresciani IN FAVOUR: Councillors: Bresciani, Findura, Hawkins, LeBlanc, Mancinelli, Mohl, Nelson, Stadnichuk, Stevens, Zachidniak, and Mayor Masters

For those unable to attend, here is the link to the recording of the meeting and Waste Management is around the middle of the recording:

We'll need to have some discussions prior to our consultations with Administration and details will follow on those to keep you informed. Once again Thank you for your support and we need team volunteers!

© 2025 CCI - South Saskatchewan Chapter
P.O. Box 3784, Regina, SK S4P 3N8