January 25, 2024 - Blog Post

Condominium Property Regulations

Let’s talk about the Condominium Property Regulations

What exactly are the Condominium Property Regulations? How does it assist in the
governance of condominiums?

From the way condominiums are developed to how they're managed day-to-day, these
regulations play a pivotal role in creating a balanced and fair environment for everyone
involved. Keep reading to find out more!

What legislation governs condominiums in Saskatchewan?

Two pieces of legislation govern condominium corporations in Saskatchewan.

They are:

The Condominium Property Act, 1993

The Condominium Property Regulations, 2001

What are the Condominium Property Regulations?

The Condominium Property Regulations, 2001, outlines detailed provisions for the
governance, development, and management of condominiums within the province,
supplementing the Condominium Property Act, 1993. This regulation is designed to ensure
that condominiums in Saskatchewan are developed, maintained, and governed in a manner
that protects the interests of all stakeholders, including developers, unit owners, and residents.

What do the Condominium Property Regulations outline?

● The Conversion and Registration of Condominiums: It specifies the process and
requirements for registering condominium plans and converting existing buildings
into condominiums.

● Condominium Corporation Governance: The regulation provides a framework for the
operation of condominium corporations, including the election and responsibilities of
the board of directors, general meetings, and voting procedures.

● Condominium Plans: Details the requirements for condominium plans to comply with
the Condominium Property Act, 1993, including the preparation, attachment of
necessary documents, addressing encroachments, unit numbering, and the
involvement of local authorities.

● Units, Parking Spaces, and Parking Units: Focuses on the designation of standard
units, the calculation of unit factors, and the declaration regarding parking. It also
outlines the process for approving parking space redesignation and converting parking
spaces to parking units.

● Security: Specifies the requirements for developers to provide security in the form of
bonds or letters of credit, the release of such securities, and certificates of completion.

● Contributions: Lays out the contributions towards common expense funds and reserve
funds, including apportionment schemes, court applications, and liens.

● Title, Reservations, and Amendments: Addresses the application process for
registering interests, declarations, amendments, and notice requirements for various
changes, including plan amendments and amalgamations.

How do the Condominium Property Regulations comply with the Condominium Property Act?

The Condominium Property Regulations, 2001 is designed to complement and ensure
compliance with the Condominium Property Act, 1993, by detailing the processes for the
development, registration, and governance of condominiums, ensuring legal and procedural
compliance. These regulations specify requirements for financial management, reserve funds,
insurance, and maintenance to uphold the Act's principles of fiscal responsibility and property
protection. They also provide frameworks for bylaw creation, enforcement, and dispute
resolution, filling gaps and clarifying ambiguities in the Act. By aligning with other relevant
laws and adapting to changes, the regulations facilitate the practical implementation of the
Act, ensuring transparency, fairness, and the welfare of condominium communities.

What impact has the Condominium Property Regulations had on the province since it was passed?

The Condominium Property Regulations have changed the game for condo living in
Saskatchewan. They've made the rules clear for everyone involved – from those running the
condos to those living in them – making everything run smoother and more fairly. These rules
have helped condos save up money for big repairs, keep the buildings safe and
well-maintained, and even made it easier to sort out disagreements when they happen. Plus,
people looking to buy or invest in a condo now feel a lot more confident, knowing that there's
a solid system in place. All in all, these regulations have made condo communities better
places to live, ensuring that as times change, the way condos operate can change too, keeping
everyone's best interests at heart.

© 2025 CCI - South Saskatchewan Chapter
P.O. Box 3784, Regina, SK S4P 3N8