May 26, 2023 - Blog Post

Are you planning a Big Summer Project?

Follow our checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

Undertaking a large repair project can be a daunting task for condominiums or buildings, especially when it involves paving, building envelope restoration, or infrastructure replacement. However, with proper planning and execution, the project can be a success. In this blog, we'll discuss some best practices to consider when undertaking a large project.

1. Determine the project scope by consulting professionals or existing reports

When beginning a large repair or replacement project, it is essential to determine the scope of the project. Look at the reserve fund study or any other condition assessments, repair recommendations, or reports related to the project. Seeking the advice of professionals can also help you determine the scope of work and identify any potential issues that may arise.

2. Hire professionals to assist in managing the project or work directly with approved contractors for simpler projects.

Engaging a professional/expert can greatly help your corporation manage the project from the scope of work to tendering/estimating, inspections, and more. This can lead to better value and results overall, reduced liability, and a more comfortable experience for the corporation and contractors involved. For simpler projects, a corporation can work directly with approved contractors with the assistance of their manager to identify the scope and obtain competitive estimates based on the scope.

3. Schedule projects to coincide with other maintenance tasks for cost savings.

When scheduling a large project, consider timing it to coincide with other annual maintenance items that can be completed simultaneously. This approach can result in savings for the corporation from an operating standpoint. For example, when replacing a roof, have the roofers also clean the eaves. Or, when replacing asphalt, consider repairing adjacent items like curbs and sidewalks.

4. Ensure clear and simple quotations and contracts.

Quoting/tendering and contracts can be challenging due to volatile marketplaces, surplus of work, and increasing inflation. When requesting quotations, ensure that the key points are captured such as what (service, supply), when (frequency, urgency) and ensure that requests are clear and simple. Contracts and purchase orders should clearly reflect the approved scope, pricing, and timing expectations.

5. Communicate with residents about the project scope, timing, and any specific needs.

Communication with residents is crucial for a successful project. Be informative but general in nature with respect to the project scope, timing, and any specific needs such as relocation of vehicles. Inform residents about what to expect during the project, such as noise, vibration, and traffic. Be prepared to provide updates as projects progress and clearly identify who to contact in case of any questions or issues.

6. Keep all parties updated on project progress through progress Reports.

As a project moves forward, it is important to keep all parties involved updated through progress reports prepared by whoever is managing the project. Make sure that all participating contractors are also sent updates to ensure that all parties are in agreement at each phase.

7. Conduct a final project review to discuss warranties, maintenance requirements, etc.

At the completion of a project, conduct a full project review to discuss any holdback, warranty, future maintenance requirements, and any other related issues. This ensures that everyone involved is aware of the project's outcome and that all parties are satisfied with the completed work. In conclusion, undertaking a large repair project may seem daunting, but with proper planning, execution, and communication, it can be a success. Follow these best practices to ensure that your project runs smoothly, on time, and on budget.

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P.O. Box 3784, Regina, SK S4P 3N8